The Weekend By the Numbers

I think this weekend merits a By the Numbers post.

Girls' wakeup today: 7AM, thanks to Sunday School field trip to Jewish farm

What was good about the trip:  baby goats

What was bad: according to M&A, everything else, inlcuding having to say a prayer before eating dirty kale

Hours spent watching M&A's sports games: 2

Hours spent watching pro sports games: 3 (Daddy and M went to the Nats game this afternoon. Sadly, they lost.)

President mascots M met: 1

Hours spent working on state fair essay outlines: 3 and counting. Sigh.

Cute things N has said: SO MANY. He is repeating everything we say, which is adorable. 

Things N has done on our many walks in the neighborhood: looked at flowers, walked along low walls, wandered into people's backyards, sat and played in dirt, picked up rocks and sticks, and ran along the sidewalk.

Books Daddy has read to N: many.

Sleepovers: 1

Tired girls: 2

Tired parents: 2

Pics from the Nats game:





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