Biking on the Beach

The SC weather held enough today for us to rent bikes and go biking around Kiawah. It was a lot of fun. A had a slightly rocky start but improved a ton throughout the day, while M took off strong out of the gate. It turns out that A's bike was a little messed up, so that might have contributed to the challenge. N seemed to really enjoy the biking and was very patient.

We went out in the morning and again in the late afternoon. The sand here is so packed on the beach that you can bike on the beach, which is really fun. I took a bunch of video and photos but the wifi is weak here so I will wait until I get home to post them. I did make a picstitch with iPhone pics, so I will post that:


Some cute things N is saying:

  • He says "please" (which comes out as "peas") when he really wants to be taken out of a carseat or put down to walk, as in "peas walk" or "peas down" or "peas out". It's so cute because it's polite and plantive at the same time. He's trying to be demanding but he tempers it with "please" and it's adorable.
  • Today, it started to rain briefly while we were riding, and I said, "Bummer!" He quickly repeated it – "BUMMER!"
  • He ate nothing for dinner except potato chips. "More chips." "More chips".
  • "MommyAdaMommyAdaMommyAdaMommyAda" when he is looking for M&A.
  • We looked at flowers tonight and he saw a bumblebee. He then said "Bumblebee" about 15 times.
  • He likes an app on my iPhone called "Baby Tap" and asks for it by name a lot, along with other apps: "Animals", "ABC" and "Balls".
  • Books he asks for by name: George, Night Moon, Boom Boom, Llama Llama, ABCs.
  • "Too cold" and "baba warm".

So adorable.

Tomorrow we head back to DC. Hoping for a shorter and less eventful ride this time.

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