Ana Waka Weeble Wobble Rama Lama Ding Dong and A’s Dresses

For their birthday party this year, the girls are doing a mystery party. We picked a mystery set in a high school, and each guest will be one of the students at the school. We downloaded the kit on line and will assign roles to the guests. One of the mysteries they considered and rejected took place at a summer camp called Ana-Waka-Weeble-Wobble-Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong. M has been having a lot of fun getting N to say "Ana-Waka-Weeble-Wobble-Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong". He has been having fun too, especially the "Ding-Dong" part. Here is a video of him saying it this AM:


Meanwhile, in other cuteness, A has been designing dresses. Here are some that she designed yesterday:


And a wedding dress:


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