M’s Economy Quilt

It has been a long week and we are glad to be at Friday! The girls had tests and quizzes and Economy Quilts to finish, and work has been busy for Daddy and me. Last night was a late night for everyone so hopefully we'll get some sleep tonight.

The little boy was so disappointed this afternoon when I returned from picking the girls up from school sans the girls. They went to a playdate at Zoe's house and didn't come home til I picked them up at 6. N was so happy to see them when they got home and spent the whole night as close to them as he could.

Here is M's Economy Quilt for West Virginia. A had left hers at school yesterday so I couldn't take a photo of hers last night. I will have to wait until I can snap a photo of her poster.

Photo (3)

She did a great job with all of the details. Here are the elements of the West Virginia economy that she depicted: (top left, clockwise) hay, cattle, chickens, health care, coal, chemicals, metal and lumber/paper.

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