Update on N

More things the little boy is doing:

  • Saying "more!" when he wants more of something, like earlier today when I was doing "Squeeze my baby, squeeze my baby, squeeze my baby boy!"
  • Not eating much at all. 
  • Asking to open things he is vaguely interested in eating, and then shaking his head dismissively at them.
  • Saying "Mommy Ada Mommy Ada" all the time – that means Maddie Alexa.
  • Saying "Cat Hat" when he wants to watch "Cat in the Hat" on the upstairs TV, which I sometimes put on when I need to shower or dry my hair and he's up. Now when I say "Mommy's gong to take a shower", he says "Cat Hat?"
  • Saying "abaca" anytime he sees something that resembles an apricot.
  • Saying "Pink? Pink?" when he wants a pink jellybean.
  • Saying "Oh no" whenever something unexpected happens – the music in his crib isn't working, the DVD sticks, etc.
  • Shrieking whenever he sees a speck of dirt in the bath. That's been happening more because there is that slimy black stuff in some of his bath toys. I think we may need to throw them out, because Imogene washed them and they still have the yucky stuff in them. (Of course, he doesn't mind hanging out in the tub after he's peed in it.)
  • Saying "too cold" when the baba is too cold.
  • Saying "hot!" whenever something is in the oven or on the stove.
  • Saying "too small" when clothes or shoes are too small.


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