Pen Pal Letter

I found a letter in A's folder that she drafted to send to her pen pal in Dublin, OH. It's so cute. Here it is:

Dear Kellli:

I am so happy you wrote me back! I will now answer some questions you asked me. Yes, I do have a Kindle Fire HD. I have three best friends. My favorite guy in 1D is Harry or Louis. I really like all of them though. I don't have an email but you can call me on my house phone. The number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. No, I do not have a crush in my class.

Here is some stuff about me. I LOVE 1D. I have a lot of posters of 1D plus I also went to their concert. I started crying of happiness when they came on stage. My birthday is in two months. (It's on May 7). My favorite subjects in school are Math and Social Studies.

Now I will ask you some questions. What is your favorite subject in school? Do you like to draw?

That's all she has written so far. 

It's windy windy windy outside. We're doing homework, as usual. Maybe Survivor or Idol depending on when the girls are done.

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