Oh, that little boy. SO CUTE! He is just the yummiest. Lots of smiles this morning. Not as many tonight, due to his poor nap today. But what a sweetheart. He loves the alphabet so much – all he wants to do is "ABD" "ABD". He loves the letters in his bathtub, he loves the letters on the sampler in his room, he loves "Meet the Letters", he loves his alphabet books. It's all he wants to talk about and do.

He also loves the snow. "No" is what he calls it.

The girls are working on their African American biography reports. After learning what a sad life Billie Holiday had, A now wants to switch to someone else. She's going to talk to her teacher about it tomorrow. There are some things that happened to Billie Holiday that might not be appropriate for grade school kids.

I just paid M a dollar to go upstairs and get my iPhone. That's how much I didn't want to go upstairs. 

Here are two very cute photos of N from Zabar's from the weekend. 

Photo 2

Photo 1

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