Christmas Vacation by the Numbers

It's Sunday night and our vacation is almost over. We have one more day since the girls don't go back to school until Tuesday. Daddy is back to work tomorrow and I start my new job a week from today.

Here is the vacation by-the-numbers post.

Days since girls had school: 16

Nutcracker performances: 2 (December 24th and 29th)

Movies seen: 5 – Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Fiddler on the Roof, Saving Mr. Banks, Up, This Is Us

Museums visited: Newseum (Daddy and A & M), Williamsburg Colonial Village (all of us, some of us twice), Jamestown Settlement Museum (all of us), U.S. Botanic Garden (me and A & N)

Haircuts: Me, M, A and N

People afflicted by stomach bug in our house: 5 – M the latest victim

Birthday parties attended: 2 – Katie and Joanna's

Sleepovers: 1 – Alida's house

New words for N – so many! He's getting so good at imitating words he hears. A few new ones he can say on his own – choo choo, airplane (may-may), Clarke, Naomi (Omi), Alida (Ida), Julius (Joos), apple, orange, broccoli, cheese, door, bubble.

Books read – M – The Pet War, A – Lily's Crossing (next book club book)

Friends we saw: the Hoffmans last night, Snyders tonight, Shohet-Mikhails on NYE, Campers in Williamsburg

Here is N leaving the hotel yesterday with his friends Elmo and Pooh:




Here are some photos from our visit today to the train exhibit at the U.S. Botanic Garden. A was a great help and pushed the stroller or held N's hand when I needed her to.





And here are some flower photos I took:





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