Christmas Eve

Day #2 of Christmas vacation was another good one. N had a haircut this morning, and looks cuter than ever. He also came home with a lollipop from the barber shop, his second lollipop ever (the first being from Bella's birthday party last Saturday). I think he ate 1/30th of it.

The girls had piano lessons, and then we headed downtown for Nutcracker. I managed to sneak in to the show, which I feel a little bad about, but not THAT bad. I ended up sitting in an empty row in the far right – second row! A saw me when she was marching and she gave me a few secret smiles. M thought she saw me, but wasn't sure, though in her defense, she came with me to the box office before the show and witnessed me decline to buy a ticket for the performance because they were too expensive. 🙂

Tonight's audience included Grampy and Ani, and Bella and her parents from next door. Everyone came down to see the girls at intermission.

We got Chop't salads for dinner – tres Christmas-y, no? – and had a nice quiet night here watching The Polar Express, which I fell asleep during.

Here are the girls at Cosi having hot chocolate before the show. So cute!



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