18 Month Checkup

The little boy isn't so little.

He is 30 pounds 9 ounces – 98th percentile for height and weight. (I didn't get the height). 90th for head circumference. He's right on track for everything – it was a very straightforward appointment. We didn't really have much to ask Dr. Fink! We DID ask about him being afraid of the bath all of a sudden (normal) and pushing kids at playdates (normal but unpleasant).  N didn't cry during the shots (though he did notice them), but he HATED being measured lying back on the table. Here is little N en route to the doctor:



The girls are almost done with their holiday reports – they just need to write their final drafts tomorrow night. Secret Santa gifts are wrapped for tomorrow. And food is ready for Friday's holiday party – thank you to Grandma Sandy for making a big batch of latkes for A's class!!

I didn't mention that last night I went to a celebration at the Kennedy Center honoring the volunteers. Grandma Sandy got a 5-year pin and was allowed to bring a guest. It was a lovely dinner. Grandma also won a prize in the photo contest. She's had a good week – a photo of hers was featured in the Washington Post Magazine's Second Glance puzzle. Here is the photo (all three versions!):


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