N’s Latest Tricks

Tomorrow morning we are taking N for his 18-month checkup. We're excited to see how big he is and how he is doing. Here are some things that he is up to lately:

  • opening and closing doors
  • saying "puppy" and "cookie" (SO CUTE)
  • saying "aka" for "Alexa" and "ucky" for "Lucky"
  • reading books over and over
  • shouting "HONK" whenever he sees a truck
  • saying "EEEEEE" whenever he sees a letter, like the P on the Parking sign near Kidville this morning
  • crouching in the bathtub (he's not screaming anymore but he won't sit down)
  • laughing at Lucky, especially when Lucky is barking or chasing toys
  • cleaning up
  • saying "THREE" when we say "one… two…"
  • pointing to many different objects in books when asked
  • being incredibly cute

Will report tomorrow on his stats!

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