Little N is getting better at mimicking sounds. Tonight I told him what a noodle was and he said "noo-da" a few times. We are also working on "Alexa". He's gettng closer – he now calls her "Ack" instead of "Ma-Mee" which is what he calls M. Here are three similar words:

1. MAHH-MEEEE = "Mommy"

2. MA-MEE = "Maddie" – very similar to Mommy but a little different

3. MEL-MO = "Elmo"

It is so cute.

What is not as cute is that he is sleeping less – waking up at 7:15 instead of 8:15 and sometimes only napping in the afternoon for an hour.

Here is something cute about A. She has been participating in a debate in social studies about who contributed more to modern society, the Olmecs or the Mayans. She is in the pro-Olmec camp. Apparently, she has been so active in the debate that her teacher has has to ask anyone OTHER THAN A to partcipate. So proud of her!

Girls have discovered Minecraft. Sadly it has slowed down their hook-rug making.

They had a nice playdate with Julia here after school. Sounds like everything went well.

Tuvana and Aliya sent some cute shirts to the girls for Hanukah. Here they are:


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