Exams and Family Box

What's happening here?

A finished her exams today! She turned in a paper and did an exam and is FINISHED with her first semester at USC. She is in NYC tonight to see NYU friends and is staying with Rachel.

M is studying for finals. 

N seemed to have had a good day at school. This is his last week before break and he has to do a "Family Box" project due Friday. He's bringing in things that are important to him/his family. He's chosen: the piano, this blog book, baseball and the lake house. For his box, we covered a box with old piano music. I'll take a pic.

We are happy to report that the white fur around H's mouth is just as voluminous as it was when we adopted him. So he's not aging! Thank god.

Dad leaves for Atlanta for a night tomorrow and Friday is the bootcamp holiday potluck here, which means TIME TO WRAP THE CARPETS IN SARAN WRAP.



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