Glad that this week is over. Here is why today was challenging:

  • It POURED all day. Made dropoff and pickup very difficult. No baseball or soccer practice.
  • The girls had huge reports due today.
  • N hasn't left the house in 2 days due to the weather.
  • I had oral surgery this AM which was pretty unpleasant. The good news is that I am getting closer to putting the whole episode behind me.
  • Daddy has had a stressful week.

But here's something good – Daddy dropped the girls at school today and saw the girls' language arts specialist. She said to Daddy, "Can I ask you a personal question? How did you get not one but two such wonderful daughters that love reading and language arts and are so smart, kind and thoughtful?"

So sweet and nice to hear.

Hopefully it won't pour all weekend!


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