16 Months Old!

Little N is 16 months old today! He's just the cutest thing. His latest tricks: pulling your hand and guiding you to where he wants you to go; clapping a ton; climbing unassisted; eating from a spoon (a little); reading books incessantly, especially books like Baby Faces; lots new words (key, bubble, baby); burying his head in the girls' rear ends (it's actually really cute even though it sounds weird).

Today N and I went to his second Big Muscle Fitness class at Kidville. He was more interactive this time, with other kids and the teachers. He LOVES the bubbles at the end and today he really enjoyed standing under the parachute. It was a lot of fun to go with him. AND he got a haircut there afterwards! So cute. He sat in a little airplane chair and watched Elmo, a character he knows only from his toothbrush and his little sneakers.

Still sleeping 12+ hours a night, waking only rarely when he's not feeling well. And thank god for Diaper Doublers, which keep him dry and asleep. Also, I weighed him tonight on the scale at home and he is 30 pounds.

Here are some pics of him getting a haircut:



And here are some pics of him eating recently. He has a great appetite and eats lots of different types of foods.



We all think that N is the cutest little thing and are constantly hugging and kissing him. Such a sweet little boy. We are so lucky to have him!

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