Big Doings Today

Here are some things that happened today.

M&A had ANOTHER field trip to Politics & Prose. They heard an author – Catherine Jinks – talk about her books and what inspired her. I didn't think the kids were that into her talk, but they had SO many questions for her at the end. It was fun to see. Both M&A wanted to ask a question, but she only called on A. A asked, "What inspired you to write about monsters?" M was going to ask "What is your favorite genre to read and write?" Oh, I went to the field trip. I didn't walk with the classes but I did go and hang out with them once they were there.

I went to 9AM boot camp today because Daddy is out of town and I couldn't go at 6. M was walking from the trailer to the school and she saw me! She called out and by the time I realized it was her, she was gone. But I saw her on her way back and waved.

I also saw N going to the playground with Nana when I was talking to the trainers after boot camp. He is just the yummiest little boy. He has so much fun at the playground. And he is very predictable. Nana said that he was going to go to the fence to look at the tennis courts and then walk through an opening in the trees to get back to the playground, and he did exactly that.

A has had a headache since last night. I got the dreaded call from the school saying that she wasn't feeling well. I drove some Tylenol to the school, and she took it and went back to class.

Both girls had piano lessons from Grandma after school.

Both girls went to the Sinchas Torah celebration with the Campers tonight. They said it was kind of boring but a lot of their friends were there so I think they had fun.

Tonight A did some experimenting with making her own loom bracelet designs. None of them worked out very well.

I think those are the highlights from today. I am going to Atlanta tomorrow for two nights for a
conference. Daddy comes back from NY tomorrow night. We are two ships
passing this week!!

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