A Religious Sunday

Today was a more religious day than usual for us. The girls had their first day of Sunday School for the year. Then we went to a choir celebration at Nana's church. N didn't cooperate for very long, but we heard her choir sing in the beginning and we got to get some beautiful photos with her before we left. She was so happy to show off the girls and little N. After the church service, we went to a Sukkot celebration at the home of the Gordons, who organize the daddy-kid camping trip every year.

N was quite energetic today, and also very opinionated. He knows what he wants and isn't happy when he can't have it. Things he wanted today that he couldn't have:

  • Daddy's phone
  • My phone
  • More cookies
  • The nail trimmers
  • To climb the ladder to A's top bunk
  • Wet and dirty pool toys at the Gordons'
  • Legos at the Gordons'
  • More crackers
  • The shampoo
  • My keys
  • Markers at the Sukkoh party
  • Grandma's bracelet

Here are the pics:



And here is a cute video of N playing with Daddy's blackberry:



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