Yom Kippur

We had a mellower day than usual today, thanks to Yom Kippur and no sports practices or games other than ballet (because of course the Washington School of the Ballet doesn't close on Yom Kippur). We all went to family services this AM, where N was a little more restless and squirmy than last time. He likes to wander around, and if there are windows to the outside, he wants to go out. He LOVES being outside. One particularly embarrassing moment whas when he got Daddy's Blackberry and walked up and down the aisle of the sanctuary pretending to talk on it.

Tonight we had break fast at Ellie and Mike's house, which we have done ever since the girls were little. We always enjoy going, and tonight was fun. We ARE thinking about maybe starting a break fast tradition among the younger generation next year.

Tomorrow is a busy day – book club kickoff meeting here at our house and a baseball game for M.

We are making these cupcakes (these aren't the one from Hello Cupcake – I can't find an image from the book online – but these are ones that someone else made):


I made these for Derek's 40th birthday get-together at a billiards pub.  They were awesome and easy.

Hopefully they will turn out well!


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