Update on Nate

So… the little boy is cuter than ever. And he keeps doing really smart things. Like these:

  • He got a box of crackers out of the cabinet yesterday and brought it over to me yesterday because he wanted a cracker. Now he can say "cracker" when that's what he wants. It sounds like "ca-cke".
  • Tonight he brought Daddy a block that has a monkey on it. Daddy said, "Is that a monkey? What does a monkey say? Eee-ee!" Then N went over to the basket and got the book Dear Zoo which has the monkey saying "Eee-ee" in it, and brought it to Daddy.
  • When I take off his clothes before bath, he puts them in his hamper.
  • He can point to his head, his mouth, his nose, his teeth, and usually his feet. We're woking on ears and tummy.
  • When I put toothpaste on his toothbrush, he puts it in his mouth and sort of brushes his teeth.
  • When we get out Lucky's leash or start to move the stroller, he goes to get his shoes.
  • He tried to put Daddy's socks on his feet this morning.
  • He can say dog ("ga!") and bottle ("ba-BA") and sometimes Daddy ("dada") and now cracker ("ca-cke").

Here are some cute videos from tonight.

First: N loving Baby and messing up the girls' night table:


Second: N kissing Baby some more and getting ready for bath:


Third: N putting his clothes in the hamper and trying to take off his diaper:


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