
Poor N. He has some weird blisters on his thumb that we suspect is hand-foot-mouth virus. Dr. Fink says that it is going around. Not much to do about it. 🙁

So, tonight we set a new record. We did a 500-piece puzzle in two hours! We've never started a puzzle and finished it the same night. Here is what it looks like:



We have really been enjoying doing puzzles together. Since April, here are the ones we've done together, in order. All have been 500 pieces except the birthday party one, which was a lot smaller.

1. Sundae

2. Postcards

3. Castle

4. Crayons

5. Fish

6. M&A birthday party

7. Candy

8. Cupcakes

9. San Francisco

10. Quilts/Americana


We each ranked our top 3 favorites:

M: Postcards, Birthday party, San Francisco

A: Candy, Postcards, Cupcakes, Sundae (she picked 4)

Me: Candy, San Francisco, Sundae (because it was the first one we did)


Today's (Americana) fits in the middle of the pack for the girls. I liked it quite a bit.

Next up: another 500 piece puzzle of map of America. We have some 1000 piece puzzles that we are working toward too.


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