Home Tomorrow!

I am still in Chicago – heading home tomorrow, which is Daddy's birthday! Yay!

Here's what has been happening while I've been here:

N is sick for the first time. Poor pup! He had a fever on Wednesday night, and woke up with a fever in the morning. I took him to the doctor before I left, and he just has a virus – fever with no other symptoms. He's been vacillating between normal and 103 the last 36 hours. Not eating much and not sleeping very well either. But he's been cheerful, says Imogene and Daddy. I am glad to be getting home tomorrow!

The girls had Water Day at camp today. Here they are on their way to camp (wearing their swim shirts):


A must have gotten her hair braided at camp, because here she is with the braid, and after the braid came out:



There is a sleepover happening at home with Emily tonight. I hope they are going to bed at a decent hour. Poor Daddy.

Home tomorrow!

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