M’s Compliment Book

M&A have spent the day with Nana and Grampy in NY. They took the train up in the morning, went to Shnu Lee West for lunch, and then saw "Wicked" on Broadway. They aren't home yet, but the reports I have had during the day have been very positive! Apparently they all had a great time. I can't wait for them to get home!

We had a fun day here with N. After his midday nap, I took him for a nice stroll along the waterfront and Rock Creek Parkway with my friend Jude, and then Daddy and I took him to the pool to see how he liked the baby pool. The answer? Not that much. It might have been a little chilly (we didn't get there until 6). He liked walking around the pool and checking out the kids jumping from the diving board better.

Daddy has gone out of town for a few days – he will be back Wednesday.

As I mentioned yesterday, we have a lot of great things to share this week! I don't even know where to start. Today, I will share M's compliment book. Her classmates said a lot of very sweet things about her. Here they are!

  • You are nice because you say nice things.
  • You have the best handwriting I've seen and are extremely smart.
  • I like how you are always a good student.
  • Youare smart and a good baseball player, and a good cursive writer.
  • You are a very good buddy because you and I were buddies with Jackson.
  • You are the person that inspired me to learn cursive before I was taught, so I think that I should compliment you on your cursive.
  • I think are am amazing drawer and athlete. You are the only person on the Giants to have a walk off Grand Slam!
  • I love that you always invite me to your amazing performances. I also love how serious you are about reading and books (something you probably got from your mom!). It's been a pleasure teaching you this year!
  • You are so smart that I could explode.
  • You are really pretty and really smart. You are really nice too.
  • You are very good at writing.
  • You have a spectacular smile!
  • You're awesome.
  • You are always generous. You always let people have what they want. You are the most thoughtful friend I've ever had.
  • You are smart.
  • I like you because you are a cool kid.
  • You are a great friend and very playful.
  • You are cool.
  • You are smart.
  • You are smart, fast, and reliable to be a queen.
  • You are very smart and funny. When you grow up you're probably going to be very smart.
  • You are nice, kind, funny, smart and great at math.
  • You are kind and great at running.
  • You're very kind.
  • You are very nice and very smart and creative.

ALL TRUE! I am so proud of M that her peers understand and recognize how special she is!



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