Today was an embarrassment of riches. So many great things happened and there is so much to document! It also provided blog fodder for the next week, if not longer. Whew! Where to start?

First of all, it was the last day of school.

Here are the girls before the last day:




The girls got out at 12:15. There was a countdown to the last second of school, after which the kids RAN out of school. Here is a video of A coming out of the trailer.


And here are M&A with M's teacher, Mrs. Yedwab. M did not race out of the classroom; in fact, she was the last 3Y third grader to leave the room. We didn't find M's lunchbox. Oh well – last day of school!


The girls got report cards today, and they were great!! I will share them later this week, but they were fantastic.

M also brought home what's called a "Compliment Book". Everyone in her class went around and wrote nice things about their classmates. M's book was SO sweet. I will also share it later this week. People wrote the nicest things!

I also have art portfolios to share, for both girls, and M's amazing writing journal. It came home yesterday, and I went to her Publication Celebration, at which she read her autobiography. I have video from that and will share some of the book, which is really wonderful.

After school, we drove out to Bethesda so that the girls could have camp orientation at Holton. They are SO excited about camp. We met all of their teachers for their various classes, as well as their color group counselors. A is most excited about Dance Party Fitness and Pom Poms, and M is most excited about her photography classes. She seems more excited than expected about Science Olympiad, and the jury's out on Silk Screening. A is least excited about Hollywood Film Production, which is odd because they are going to create commercials and music videos and news reports, which A basically does all day long at home.

Holton camp is awesome.

Here they are before we went in:


After Holton we went out for bagels and ice cream.


Could these girls be any cuter????

Tomorrow they are heading to NY for the day with Nana and Grampy for their birthday present – a trip to NY to see "Wicked". They are very excited! They have packed iPod Nanos, Kindles with movies, books, and needlepoint for M. They will take the train up and back.

Enough for today, but how much amazing stuff is that? Oh, we also got the DVD of A's Notebusters concert and got to see her perform again!

So much more to share this week!


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