Happy Father’s Day

What a weekend!

Here's what happened.

  • We had a very lovely houseguest who is very popular with the whole family. She was helpful and sweet and such a fun person to have around. (SARAH!)
  • We had our last book club meeting at Naomi's house to discuss From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.
  • We had a great Father's Day dinner here with Daddy's favorite foods: grilled salmon, gazpach(o), Zucchini Sunflower Pie, corn, and peach cobbler.
  • Daddy took N to see friends form out of town and stopped by the Smithsonian this afternoon.
  • We had M's final baseball game, which was sadly not the final today. But they played SO well yesterday.
  • The girls and Sarah watched "Oz the Great and Powerful" and M said she "loved it"! This is major progress.
  • Daddy got a big boy suit.
  • A had a voice lesson.
  • The little boy was as cute as ever.
  • The girls geared up for their last week of school!!

Here are some pics.

Book club:



Cute photos of N that Sarah took:




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