Farewell Baseball!

We have had a really fun day with Sarah here staying with us. I told her today that she really got a good look at a typical day in our lives today!

We were home in the AM. Then we took A to a voice lesson at Bach 2 Rock at 1. She sounded great! She sang "Popular" and really sounded terrific. He said she's really getting the hang of it.

Then we went to M's baseball game via Broad Branch Market, where A and Sarah got a sandwich to share.

M's game. What a saga! They played an excellent game. Lots of hits – M had a few singles and a double. At the end, it was the bottom of the ninth and M's team was down by one point. 2 outs, bases loaded. There was one play that ended in contention (was the runner tagged at home or not?), and it ended up being replayed, and sadly the runner was out. It was SUCH a close game. But the Giants ended up losing by one point, which means that they are out of contention for the champtionship came tomorrow. We're so sad. But we're really proud of how well they all played.

Here is a team pic:



After the game we went out to dinner with our friends Vikki and Greg, who are visiting from Denver with their kids Sophie and Esther. Some pics:




A really fun, and long day! Now we are sitting on the couch watching Oz the Great and Powerful. We are so lucky to have Sarah with us this weekend!!


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