I am back from BEA! I had a good time – very tiring but a lot of fun. I have lots of books en route to the house – I will e very excited when they arrive! I did bring a balloon dog home that A was immediately taken with. His name is now Skipper. And A has an advance copy of Wendy Mass's fall release, signed to her, which she is very excited about.
Here is what happened while I was gone:
- The girls performed beautifully in Arts Night. Daddy took photos and videos which I will upload tomorrow!
- Both girls recited their poems at school today and they did a great job!!
- N is clapping more and giving high fives!
- N is walking SO well.
- A fish died.
- It got really hot.
- A had her last Notebusters meeting – rehearsal for solos tomorrow and performance on Sunday.
I will upload pics tomorrow. I am so happy to be home!!