Bath Videos

So tomorrow I am going away for 2 nights. It is my annual pilgrimage to Book Expo in NY. I am VERY sad to leave the cuties at home, but really looking forward to being back amongst my book people and meeting authors, picking up review copies, and generally geeking out. I missed it last year because I was a few days away from having little N. (I am missing Arts Night on Thursday night, which is a HUGE bummer.)

Here are some videos I took tonight while N was in the tub:



And VERY EXCITING NEWS! We finished our latest puzzle tonight! It was a very hard one – harder than it looked. In the end the girls and Daddy and I sat and finished it off – definitely a team effort.

Here it is, finished:


I have also been meaning to post this – these are flowers that Daddy picked from the front yard (azaleas and rhododendrons) and arranged very nicely on the counter:


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