We Are Puzzlemasters

I am back from Orlando. I was able to get on an earlier flight and made it home in time to take the girls to ballet class (their last of the year!) and the little boy to the playground. It was a beautiful night and fun to be outside. We saw Dr. Fink at the playground and stopped at Sarah’s on the way home to show off N’s amazing (almost) walking.

When the girls got home from ballet they shared the disturbing news that some of the girls in their class may be held back a year due to size. They are very concerned that they will be in the group of girls held back a year. M said tonight that she may not want to continue on if she isn’t going to be moving on next year. I don’t blame them for being disappointed. We will have to see what happens.

Here is the puzzle we finished. See how hard it is?



And here is a panoramic photo of M’s bedroom that she took tonight. (I think that it distorts things a bit, including my stomach!). Notice A at the bottom right.


And here is a video of N on the swing tonight.



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