Great Sleeper and Cute Slicker

The little boy is an amazing sleeper. Here is an example. He went to bed last night at 8:30PM. When I left for work this morning, he was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him up, so I left without seeing him. 🙁 According to Imogene, he woke up at 9AM. Then he went back to sleep for a nap at noon, and didn't wake up until 2:30PM. He went back down for a nap at 4:45PM, and Imogene woke him up at 5:30PM. And THEN he went down for good at 8PM, with no fussing at all. Wow.

Here are some pictures of him wearing his adorable raincoat, which was a gift from Debbie and Bob:

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In other news, I volunteered in M's art class this AM. For her recent project, she got stuck with a group who is not particularly collaborative or well-behaved. Poor girl. At least we got to hang out.

I found these two drawings in the hallway en route to the art room. They are about kindness:



AND – we finished this puzzle tonight! It only took two days!! The pieces were weird shapes but it was really fun.




1 comment

Debbie Wager says:

fabulous guy; great photos!

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