Photos Everywhere

So… here is what happened with Holton registration today. A's went beautifully – she got the 5 she wanted, in the order she wanted. I don't know how she is going to do 4 periods of intense dance/movement and 1 of film production – she's going to be exhausted. M's wasn't as smooth. She ended up with 4 of the 5 classes she wanted – which is good – but she isn't that excited about the backup for #5 – Science Olympiad. She said she really didn't want that class. And she isn't happy about the order she ended up with, because she has Archery 5th period and doesn't want to be outside for last period because she will have to race over to the bus. Unfortunately, given the list she gave me, there were very few alternatives. Hopefully she can do some switching around during the first day or two.

Thanks to Grampy for checking in to see how the class selection went. It was stressful and I am glad to have it behind me.

I brought some frames and photos to my office today. Here is what my desk looks like now:




(With less glare…:)


Meanwhile there are waaaaaay too many frames in our living room. I am a little out of control with the frames.

Tonight we assembled the goody bags for the party. They consist of: one (1) birthday CD; one (1) Kit-Kat; one (1) Snickers; and a combination of three (3) of the following: Nerds, Sweettarts or Laffy Taffy. They look cute.

Tomorrow we…

  • get M to baseball practice at 9
  • get both girls to ballet at 10:45
  • go to the Spring Fair
  • welcome Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron
  • bake a tie-dye cake

Hopefully all will go smoothly!