
That feeling when you've run a race and then you don't think you can run the next day? That's how I feel today after yesterday's photo post.

So here's a summary of what happened after I got home tonight:

  • M was being pushed in the little car by N, but he was in the front and was going really fast. Hard to explain but it was very cute.
  • A practiced the piano.
  • All 3 kids took a bath together, again.
  • M was very hyper, then A got very hyper.
  • N and I played "Where's Mommy?", crawling around the upstairs, which he loved.
  • N had a bottle.
  • N finally went to bed.
  • The girls and I finalized their Holton camp class lists.
  • I made dinner.
  • Daddy came home. 
  • M practiced the piano.
  • We looked at birthday cakes online.
  • We finished watching The Amazing Race from Sunday.
  • We watched some SNL skits – Chippendale's and Bar Mitzvah Boy.
  • The girls went to bed.
  • The house is quiet!


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