Even More Cuteness

I am home – yay! It was a very long day, but I got to see Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Liz and Sarah in the morning (Rachel was still upstairs when I left) and spend a nice commute into the city with Aunt Liz. Thank you Montclair Weiswassers!

Happy to be home. I saw the girls before they went to bed, and the little boy fussed after I got home so I got to hold him too.

I have a new tradition: whenever I go to NY for work, I stop on the way home at Union Station and get Crumbs cupcakes for the house. They are huge and overpriced and unhealthy and SO yummy. I get different flavors every time. Tonight, the pickings were slim because I got to the train station after 9. I got: Play Ball, Brownie, S'mores, and Happy Birthday. It's always fun to see the girls' reactions to the cupcakes. Last week I went up for a day, and came home with Play Ball, Vanilla, Milkshake and Oreo Cookie. The cupcakes are so big that it takes several days to eat them. We split them into small pieces and eat a variety (although I can usually only eat one or two varieties since most have chocolate).

Here is the progress on the puzzle. It has been so much fun! We're getting close.


And here is a VERY cute photo of the little boy and his pup.


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