Report Cards

Here are the girls' report cards for the third quarter. Both girls got all 4s in all of their academic subjects.


I am pleased with A's work in the third advisory. She has worked hard to learn her multiplication facts. She knows most facts quite well at this point, but should continue to practice them periodically so she retains them for fourth grade. As she learned her facts, the mutiplication problems we were solving in class became easier for her to solve. She did very well on the last PIA math test, scoring at 100%. She should be very proud of herself. We have spent some time reading poetry and learning different tools that poets use. We are now beginning  to write our own poetry in class so I look forward to seeing what A has to offer. I think she is going to do very well in this unit. A is a sweet, social girl who works well with her peers. I really enjoy having her in my class.

M's report card had a lot of description of what the class did during the third advisory, and very few comments about the individual kids. Here are the excerpts that pertained to M:

M and her partner chose My Rotten Red-Headed Older Brother for their Patricia Palacco author study project. It's a great story [and] I think M and her partner really enjoyed it, and they both did a wonderful job thinking about the story, diseecting the parts of the story, and putting together their final project. Well done! … M did a fantastic job on her [math assessment], including getting all 6 of the bonus problems correct. Her division facts are in great shape and she is doing a wonderful job in math overall. … M did a great job with all of her in-class assignments throughout the unit.

We are very proud of their excellent report cards. In other Lafayette news, I enrolled both girls for next year this morning (gotta love public school – so easy!), and their standardized testing is happening this week – Tuesday through Friday. No Math Club Wednesday AM.

In related brilliant child news… There are initials N, A, T, E hanging in N's room. Some nights I point them out to N and tell him what the letters are. Tonight, we were sitting on the glider and the letters were out of his view. I said, "N, A, T and E" and he turned around to look for the letters on the wall!

I am going to NY tomorrow for a night for a conference on Thursday. Staying with J, L, S and R!


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