10 Months Old, Dentist, and Patty Nigowitz

N is 10 months old today! He is definitely changing a lot. He is totally mobile – crawling all over the house, getting into everything, and pulling himself up on anything he can. Some of his favorite things to get into – the plants, Lucky's food, my shoes, socks from the floor, and the girls' rolls of gimp rope. Sometimes he even plays with things he is supposed to play with – the tupperware we've put out on the kitchen floor, his toys. He is saying a few words – DOG ("gock"), CAR ("cah") and ALEXA ("ayexa"). He said "Alexa" twice this AM and it was sooo cute. N is also much more vocal when he is upset. If he is holding something that he wants – say, Alexa's hairbrush in the bathtub – and you want to get it away from him before the hairbrush's owner finds out that her brush is in the bathtub, he will cry if you take it away. He also gets cranky when he is tired (like most kids). He has four adorable teeth and has been sparing with the smiles of late. He ADORES his sisters and his dog.

He is eating more solids and still loves the purees. He's not really into nursing anymore – they call that self-weaning – despite my efforts to get him to nurse twice a day. He will arch and push me away when I try to get him to nurse, so those days may be ending.

He loves to look around and see the world around him. He is extremely curious and automatically drawn to anything with buttons or a screen. (Including the keypad in the payment swipe machine at the Safeway checkout – yuck!). He still loves the "That's Not My…" books, and tonight we read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?".

He's sooo big and heavy, and squirmy! But he's also the cutest little boy in the world. We love him so much.

Happy 10 month birthday! Photos below from yesterday.

In other news…

The girls had good dentist appointments this morning. Dr. Dana thinks that A's teeth may not end up being as overcrowded as we've feared, so hopefully not too many extractions in her future. Braces are a definite. M has some more extractions ahead. Both girls are doing good brushing.

On the way to school after the dentist, A came up with a character. She said, "Mommy, I have a character in my mind." Here is the person she described

Patty Nigowitz

She is 18 years old, a high school senior, who works in a nursing home taking care of old people. She is not attractive. She has long straight black hair, pimples, and red braces, and is missing her front two teeth. She has only been on one playdate (with an elderly woman), and hadn't had candy before, and ate a piece of peppermint bark. That made her lose her two front teeth.

She is a nerd. She likes every class at school but just enjoys the tests. She is scared of animals but finds gerbils very interesting.

More on Patty in the coming days.

OK, here are the photos:




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