Book Report Night

Tonight is one of my feast favorite nights of the month: the night before book reports are due. It is now 9:56 and both reports are now done. The girls each did a great job. This month's theme was "Famous Woman Interview" and the report had to be written in Q&A format based on a biography. A chose J.K. Rowling and M chose Georgia O'Keeffe. They each wrote and answered about 12 questions about those women's lives and achievements. We learned a lot about the women!

Tomorrow is a half day and then the girls go on spring break for a week. Yay! I for one am looking forward to a week with no lunches, homework or after school activities!

The little boy said his first word today! Imogene taught him to say "dog". He says it in a very gutteral way, that sounds like "gock" but he is definitely saying that one word over and over, and sometimes he looks at Lucky when he says it. It is so cute. He is also crawling around the house a lot.

N has been eating a wide variety of food. He mostly eats food that I have made him, such as:

sweet potatoes

butternut squash




peas (this is an iffy one for him)


carrots (thogh I haven't made them in a while)

We often mix two foods together or one with rice cereal, and he loves it. He also eats those baby food pouches when we are on the go. They are so convenient. For finger foods, he likes Cheerios, Rice Chex, shredded cheese and diced pear or apple.

I've got some cute video of N crawling and saying "gock" which I will upload tomorrow!


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