Menus and Passover

We had a lovely Passover at Nana and Grampy's house tonight. I have to say, the kids – all three – were wonderful. M&A sang the Four Questions in Hebrew, and they read beautifully from the Haggadah when it was their turn. They were poised and sweet and polite and just adorable. And little N was also amazing. He didn't cry the whole time we were there, except when the crowd got rowdy when M&A were negotiating the afikoman exchange and the loud voices scared him. He sat on my lap for the whole seder, nibbling on matzah and charoset. He didn't wiggle and whine but just sat agreeably and was easily entertained.

Everyone at the seder said that the kids were so well-behaved. One person said that the best part was the girls reading the Four Questions. They also said that other seders had a lot of kids (their grandchildren!) but that tonight was very calm and pleasant, even with M, A and N there. So I am very proud of all of them.

The girls were helpful with N and entertained him during the meal when we were eating. I had worried that it would be really hard to do the night solo, but it wasn't as bad as I feared. We got home around 9:30 and N nursed and went very easily to bed. He was pooped!

Here is the outfit N wore to the seder, with a VERY cute vest that Tuvana gave him last week. This is a post-seder photo – note that he is still not crying.


Grandma Sandy went to Great-Grandma Gussie's service today. She said that it was very nice. It was a long day for her – trip to and from Detroit and then a seder at her house tonight. Thankfully it went pretty smoothly, other than a 90 minute delay on the tarmac in Baltimore this morning.

Daddy is still in Kabul, leaving tomorrow.

Here is something cute. When I was at SXSW, Daddy made these menus so that the girls could choose what they wanted for lunch. They are so cute, especially the girls' annotations. Unfortunately, the menu idea didn't stick, but it was a cute thought!



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