Nine Months Old!


The little boy is nine months old today! What a cutie!

Here's what N is up to:

He is starting to walk, with a little walker or even the kitchen stool (with assistance from a non-baby to ensure that it doesn't move too fast). He's still not really crawling, but he pulls himself around commando-style and can cover A LOT of distance in a hurry. He likes to scootch all over the floor and explore doorways, etc. We haven't babyproofed yet, which is not good.

He is talking a lot, babbling and shouting and cooing. If you say "ba ba da da ba ba da" to him, he will sometimes say it back.

His sleeping is better again, with fewer wakeups at night. He's doing about 90 minute naps in the morning and 30 minute naps in the late afternoon. Sometimes – like Wednesday – he goes a lot longer (2 1/2 hours!).

Today N and I celebrated his milestone birthdya by going to the supermarket, library and post office. He loves to look around. We also went out to walk Lucky and he enjoyed that a lot too.

N LOVES to eat. His favorite foods right now are Cheerios, Rice Chex, bagel, pureed sweet potatoes or melon or pear, and the little pouches of baby food that he eats when he isn't eating the homemade stuff. He will eat and eat and eat. 🙂 He still enjoys nursing, which he does 2x day, and has formula in addition to the breastmilk.

N is VERY curious. He likes cell phones, iPads, phones, computers – anything with buttons and a screen. He's starting to enjoy picture books (see video below) and loves his little toys. He's a very observant and interactive little boy who likes to explore everything.

He is also the sweetest thing. He loves his family and is generous with smiles and snuggles. He still loves Lucky and likes to pet him and play with the tags on his collar. What a sweet little boy.

DId I mention that he is enormous? I am guessing that he is 27 pounds. We will find out at his 9-month checkup on Wednesday.

We all love little N so much. Here is a very cute video of him playing today:


Signing off for a few days, sadly. I am headed to the giant geekfest known as SXSW tomorrow and will be in Austin for a few days. Daddy will have to take N's Sunday photo and I will post it when I get home. The girls kick off several consecutive days of Cinderella rehearsals tomorrow. We are missing the school auction but some people are bidding on our behalf. The girls want their Teacher's Treats again – we've won them every year so far for both girls.

Happy 9th month birthday, little boy!

1 comment

Lisa says:

Good book pulling, N — almost as impressive as your nose pointing! Happy 9 months cute boy.

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