Catching Up

We have had a busy few days. So busy that I haven't posted on P&B&B&B since Saturday – which never happens!!

Here's what we've missed…

1) The Oscars! Mommy's favorite night of the year. Except that the Oscars sucked this year. The girls did, however, enjoy the song "We Saw Your Boobs".

2) N crawled today! I was sadly at work, thanks to the Yahoo CEOs of the world, but Imogene called us to report that he crawled! By the time we got home, he was back to dragging himself commando style on the floor in an attempt to reach Imogene's cell phone. Hopefully he will resume the crawl soon.

3) Book reports! The girls are done (well, A is ALMOST done but is waiting for me to print a few more photos for her) with their Black History timeline book reports. A did Michelle Obama and M did Alice Walker.

4) The winter dance! It's Friday after school. 3:20-4:20. Theme is Willy Wonka. Dress code is "candy-colored or casual".

5) Cinderella! We got our cast dates today, and once again the girls are in CAST A which means 4 performances instead of 3 and the coveted Saturday night show. They had two rehearsals over the weekend and all seems to be going well.

6) Parent-teacher conferences! We had them yesterday and they were wonderful. The girls' teachers said such nice things about them. They are great students with a wonderful attitude. We are so proud of them!

That's pretty much all the excitement from here. I have N's Sunday pics to upload, as well as some cute things to scan. Will do that when I have a moment to breathe.


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