Almost Perfect Storm

This week was the perfect storm:

  • 2 sick kids, who missed a combined 3 days of school
  • Wonderful nanny who is also getting sick
  • Daddy out of the country
  • Mommy with 2 day trips to NY
  • Holiday on Monday
  • Grandma eye surgery
  • Huge N poop in the bathtub

Well, the perfect storm would have probably included a snowstorm and power outage, too. So we are thankful that that didn't happen!

Daddy is back from his trip, and M seems to be a little better (despite coming home from school at 1:30 today), and A will hopefully be better tomorrow, and there are some Crumbs cupcakes in the house, and Lucky is clean (groomer came on Tuesday). So we're on the upswing!

N is sleeping pretty well (though he stirred as I typed that) and it's Oscar weekend, and all is well.


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