Sunday Wrapup

We've had a productive, but relaxing, two days. Here's what we've been up to:

Errands done: library to get the new book club book on audio; Whole Foods to buy some lavender essential oil, which M has wanted since Levine Camp last summer when her yoga teacher Miss Rachel used to spray it; a new vacuum cleaner (fun!!); supermarket; vet for Lucky; hardware store for light bulbs (even more fun!); and dog food.

Stuff watched: Spellbound (spelling bee documentary), a few episodes of Next Great Baker, and the finale of Face/Off from last season.

Nights out: Daddy and I went to the movies last night, and Imogene babysat.

Playdates: A had a long playdate yesterday with her friend Julia – they went to a nail salon and had pedicures.M had a playdate with her friend Natalie. They played air hockey and looked at photos and plotted their summer classes at Holton Camp.

Tomorrow is Inauguration Day (observed) so we are going to go downtown and see the parade.

Here are pics from the weekend and some VERY special scans at the bottom of the post.

N's Sunday photo:



The most adorable kids on the planet:


Our very cute beagle pre-vet (he's fine):


Daddy playing Monopoly with the girls:


The program from the spelling bee – front and back covers:


The inside of the spelling bee program:


Some VERY special mail that came this week:





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