Twenty Questions

I think it's time for another M & A quiz.

Answer the following questions… answers will be revealed tomorrow.

1. Who hates P.E. more than anything?

2. Who bites her nails?

3. Whose nails grow really fast and needs to have them trimmed by Mommy?

4. Who wants a Furby?

5. Who likes to help me with N's bath?

6. Who likes mint chip ice cream?

7. Who does not like butter?

8. Who does not like peanut butter?

9. Who usually sits in the way back?

10. Who does peek-a-boo with N more?

11. Who always gets stuck carrying the ballet bag?

12. Who likes TV more?

13. Who likes Greek myths?

14. Who loves author Wendy Mass, and has visited her website?

15. Who likes capers?

16. Who eats Mommy's homemade chili?

17. Who likes to snorkel?

18. Who has a friendship necklace with her best (non-sister) friend?

19. Who is excited about Mommy's bath pillow?

20. Who likes Harry Styles? (5 points extra if you know who Harry Styles is.)

Good luck! (These are easy.)

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