Vegas Baby Vegas

Sad mommy is on a flight to Vegas right now for CES. While I usually love going to CES, and Vegas, I am sad to leave behind my three cuties:


We had a nice Sunday. The girls had Sunday school, which they will be attending more regularly now that Nutcracker is over! They also had a birthday party in the afternoon at the diner, which by all accounts was fun. They slept very late – 10AM – due to the late night at the theatah last night. N also had a great nap today – 3 1/2 hours this morning! Crazy. He's feeling better – only a slight fever tonight – but he's still coughy and has a runny nose.

Here is his Sunday picture:


I will be back on Tuesday evening and can't wait to see the girls, N and Daddy then! I hope that school goes well tomorrow – first day back after 2 weeks off!

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