My Fair Ladies

Tonight we went to see My Fair Lady at Arena Stage, thanks to Grampy, who got us the tickets. It was a long show but the girls enjoyed it. A focused a lot and really followed the story, while M was a little less interested. It was very interesting – the cast has been beset by the flu and cancelled two shows yesterday and Thursday. The lead role's actress was sick, as was her understudy, so the role was portrayed by someone from the ensemble who had only played the role before FOR A FEW HOURS. She performed with the script in her hand and did a great job. She got a well-deserved standing ovation at the end.

In other news…

N is still sick. He had a fever when he woke up and was coughing a lot. He had a great nap mid-day and was feeling better by the afternoon. Tonight, a woman from my office babysat for him. She loves babies and she was great with him! Hopefully she will be willing to babysit again!

I am going to Vegas tomorrow night for 2 nights for work. I am sad to be going away from the kids, and stressed about pumping/transporting milk.

We ran a bunch of errands today, including selecting some historical fiction books for the girls from the library and the library used book sale for their upcoming book reports. We've always talked about the difference between a bookstore (books you keep) and a library (books you borrow). A was very confused today by the used book sale at the library, understandably.

I am struck tonight by how mature the girls seem all of a sudden.

Ok, it's late. Off to bed.


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