Back in the USA

We are back! Well, back in the States. We're in Miami overnight en route back home to DC. I haven't been able to post the last few nights because the wifi in our villa went out and I couldn't log on. The last few days of our trip were fun – lots of beach and pool time, and, because it was Curacao, lots of looooong meals.

Here are some little snippets from the trip:

  • M read a long book – 13 Gifts by her favorite author Wendy Mass – and has started a new Wendy Mass book from the library
  • A finished a Lois Lowry book called The Birthday Ball and has started a new book that is supposed to be good for fans of Harry Potter
  • The little boy has a cold, which is the saddest thing ever. He's coughy and runny-nosed. But he has had a smile on his face all day, even when it was late and he hadn't eaten. We had a terrible time making it through customs tonight and he was totally mellow. Sadly, he is now waking up and moaning and coughing, which is really unlike him.
  • Other than the cold, N has slept amazingly this week – lots of 13 hour nights and 2-hour naps.
  • On New Year's Eve, Daddy and I fell asleep on the bed while the girls watched videos on my iPad and stayed up til 1:30 Curacao time (12:30 East Coast time).
  • The girls are bringing back lots of sea glass. We also took 2 coconuts from the beach and cracked them open – one using a hammer and one by dropping it off of our second floor balcony. A put some of the coconut water on her skin.
  • A's hair has gotten more strawberry blonde with all of the sun, though she wants it to look as red as M's.
  • The girls have been WONDERFUL with N all week – so helpful. He just adores them.
  • Ron and Dina are here at the hotel with us and head back to NY tomorrow. We had a nice dinner with them last night near the villas, and then again tonight here in the hotel while I stayed in the room with little N.

Here are some pics:




I'd post more but images are loading veeeerrrry slowly tonight, and it's 12:15 AM and I need to go to bed.

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