Music Concerts

I was so tired last night that I couldn't post. I tried to go to sleep when I got home from work, but a series of interruptions kept me from doing it until late. But I slept well and feel better today. N slept last night from 8:15 until 9:30 without waking up. Amazing.

Yesterday was also M's guitar concert. She signed up for guitar ensemble in the beginning of the school year, but her enthusiasm has waned as the year has wore on. She claims that she isn't doing a good job and doesn't know the chords, etc. However, she seemed to do fine yesterday! I will upload some videos, as well as some videos from the recorder concert. Yesterday was also the last day of school before vacation. We're all happy that the girls are on break! UPDATE – these are just the recorder concert. Guitar ensemble tomorrow!

Last night the girls also went with Grandma Sandy to Olney to see the musical Cinderella. They had a very good time – thank you to Grandma for taking them!

We spent today at home, for the most part, though Daddy took the kids out to run some errands this afternoon while I was home packing and getting things organized for our trip.

Tomorrow is the last Nutcracker show! We are all sad that this season is coming to an end.

Recorder videos… (note that there is a cute one of N, and that A is in the front because she got her "black belt" in recorder and in the final, special song because she got her "black belt extreme"):











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