
First, I have to say that A has done something AMAZING the last two days. She has gotten up early, gotten herself dressed, come downstairs, and made TWO lunches, TWO snacks, and TWO breakfasts! It has been so amazing. Today's lunch made by A: yummy meat made by Grandma Sandy, roll, carrots, fortune cookie, and banana. Soooo cute. She has also put the food in containers, just as I would. M has loved her lunches too. I can't believe how helpful it has been! What a good girl.

The girls' December book reports are Animal Acrostic Poems, based on a book about an animal. Here are the acrostics they wrote (they are due on Friday):

M: Penguins

Pollution, overfishing, oil spills, and costal development have hurt the penguin population.

Eats small fish, squid, and krill, and drinks saltwater.

Necks are short and thin, their heads are big, and their bodies are covered in black, blue or gray feathers.

Galapagos, Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica are places where penguins often live, far  away and sade from enemies.

Using special songs, penguns find their young and their mates among thousands.

In the winter, penguins move their flippers like birds move their wings.

Newborn penguins use the tips of their bills to break through their eggshells.

Swimmers and divers undertwater, penguins waddle from side to side on land.


A: Sea Otters

Sea ottters swim very gracefully and look very elegant, just not on land.

Eats small and large sea urchins, molusks, mussels, crabs, clams, octopii, squid and rockfish.

A sea otter whistles and shines when it is frustrated or upset.


One baby sea otter at a time is all the mommy can handle.

"Teddy bear of the sea" is the sea otter's nicknaem because it is so cute!

They live 15-20 years and are born in early spring.

Each sea otter has long hair, silky palms, and is furry and hairy.

Rocks, reefs, underwater forests, and other protected areas are homes for sea otters.

Some hunters kill sea otters for their silky fur.


We also got this sweet note in the mail from A's teacher today:

Alexa and Family:

Thank you so much for inviting my husband and me to come see your performance of The Nutcracker. It was so generous of you to get tickets for us. We both loved the show and think you did an amazing job. I'm so impressed that you can get on stage in front of all of those people. You're very talented, Alexa. It was my husband's first time seeing The Nutcfracker and he thought it (and you) were great! I hope you're all enjoying the holiday season. See you in 2013!

Mrs. Powell