The Weekend By the Numbers

This was a busy weekend. Before I get into the weekend, though, I left out some stuff from last week. On Thursday afternoon, M's class had a fable telling session and a family recipe party. I wasn't able to go, but Daddy was there and took video, which I will upload this week (along with the recorder concert). M and some of her classmates narrated a fable that they had written. Here are a few photos of M that day:



I think I made too many whoopie pies because a lot of them came home.

OK, now to this weekend. It was a very social weekend, with a lot of different events happening. Here's the way it was, by the numbers…

Birthday parties: 2 – yesterday at Just Cakes for Katie's birthday and today at a spa (via limo!) for Julia's birthday

Going away parties for Jessie: 2 – one at her house last night, and one at book club today. We all brought Jessie books that we like, for her to remember us by in Seattle. M got her Candymakers and A got her The Friendship Matchmaker.

Performances: 1, last night

Hanukah presents: over the last few days – lots of books (Guiness Book of World Records (M), Ansel Adams photos (M), Diary of a Wimpy Kid (M), another Wendy Mass book (M), two Harry Potter-esque books (A), The Willoughbys (M), Sherlock Holmes book and Tom Sawyer (for M from R&D) and Alice in Wonderland and Huck Finn (for A from R&D)); some undershirts (lame present alert!); A's weaving project (photo below – note the heart and the sunset);

New foods introduced to N: carrots (he's not crazy about them)

Inches cut from girls' hair yesterday at Bubbles: 1

That's all I have the energy for tonight.

We went to a lovely Hanukah party at Grandma Sandy's house tonight, with delicious food and great company. Happy birthday to Stu, my fellow Sagittarian!

Here are the girls at the spa birthday party today:



Here is A's weaving project:


More Chanukah photos to come!

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