Um, Maybe Not

Here is the blog post I composed in my mind until the girls went to sleep tonight:

One would expect our lives to be really crazy right now. Two eight year-olds, a six-month old baby, demanding full-time jobs, a dog, and a city of busy people who work hard.

Well? Are our lives that crazy? I have to say that tonight was NOT a crazy night, thanks to two wonderful girls and a very sweet little baby. The girls were very good tonight – they did their homework right after I got home, they had baths nicely, they were sweet and appreciative, they drank (VOLUNTARILY!) a glass of milk each, and they were just very good overall. And N went down nicely and was just a pure delight to be around.

Thse are the reasons why our lives are much less crazy than they could be.

Then, right before the girls went to bed, they went upstairs and made a lot of noise outside N's room.

Which of course woke him up.

And he didn't go down for another 90 minutes. 90 MINUTES.

So much for our easy night!

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