Nutcracker Premieres!

A lot has happened in the last two days!

Yesterday the girls had both a dress rehearsal AND the preview performance of The Nutcracker. I took them downtown at noon for a 12:30 call time, then they had rehearsal, then we had a quick dinner, and then they had ANOTHER rehearsal. And then… dum dum DUM… the first Warner performance! It was great. The girls were wonderful! In the audience: Grandma Sandy and her friends Ellie and Judith.

Here are some pics.

En route to the dress rehearsal:


Pre-performance dinner with Becky, also a Ruby soldier:


Here are the girls with Lillian, who plays Clara in their cast. She's very sweet.


Intermission with Grandma Sandy and her friends:


In the midst of this crazy day, I turned 43. Daddy made me a very cute candy cake, and after the show, we came home and enjoyed cake with Emily (who had babysat for N while we were out) and Grampy, who came over to wish me happy birthday. Here are some pics of the cake and the celebration:






In other notable news from yesterday, N slept all night ON HIS BELLY! So cute! He slept better and he seemed very comfortable that way.

Today was the official opening night at the Warner. The girls were even better than last night! In the audience tonight: Kim and Olivia; Ellie and Julia D., and the Campers and Jessie. We didn't see the Campers afterwards but we did see Ellie and Julia:


And here are the girls with their Ruby soldier friend Charlotte:


Next show is Wednesday the 5th, when both girls' teachers will be in attendance! Exciting.

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