The Long Weekend By the Numbers

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend! The holiday itself was a lot of fun, and the girls had their premiere yesterday. They were FANTASTIC! Soldiers are a great part – lots of complicated choreography, lots of precision. Even though both girls were in full makeup, they still looked like M&A and we were able to pick them out immediately. And A has a solo – she's the scout soldier – so she had a nice part in the beginning where she was in center stage. We were so proud of them!

I have a million pictures to upload from the last few days but I will have to do it later as it is 11:30PM and I am beat from the weekend. In the meantime, here is a By the Numbers rundown:

Movies seen: 1 – today – "Wreck-it Ralph" (which was great)

Pedicures received: 1 – today – by Lucky, who got a nail trim at the vet

Friends visited today: 2 – the Hoffmans for games this afternoon and the Levines for dinner tonight

Zoos visited: 1 – Friday – with Grandma and Grandpa

Exciting books bought at the library's used book sale: 2 – a Wendy Mass book that M wanted and a book called The Birthday Bash that I thought M would like

School photos ordered: 2

Book reports worked on: 1 – A's. We have to work on M's tomorrow and get both of them done by Friday.

Games played with Grandpa Ron: checkers, Battleship

Minutes spent in doorway jumper today by N: a LOT. He loves it!!

Loads of laundry done tonight: 3

Costumes purchased by Mommy for the Nutcracker: 1 – black tights and black leotards. I had no idea that they needed them for their performance – OOPS! They are on expedited order and will hopefully arrive by Thursday!

Pies eaten: a lot – pumpkin, pumpkin torte, apple, lemon meringue and cherry crumb

Big week ahead – Warner dress rehearsal and premiere.

I haven't taken any photos off my camera today but here are some that Grandma Sandy and Tequila took at Thanksgiving. The girls played a number of pieces they have been learning on the piano – from memory – and they also did two recorder-piano duets. So cute!!








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